A Semester with Good Bowls: Bringing Sustainable Nutrition to UNC
UNC Cheerleaders promote Good Bowls at UNC’s Old Well
Good Bowls is on a mission to bring healthy, sustainable nutrition to college campuses across North Carolina and also right here at home at UNC Chapel Hill. I had the privilege of interning with Good Bowls for the past semester to help them achieve this goal!
Some of the primary ways I helped showcase Good Bowls at UNC were through marketing initiatives such as athlete social media partnerships, Instagram collaborations with Campus Recreation to give away free bowls and film reels, and several on-campus free tasting events!
Over the course of the semester I planned a student wellness tabling event for Good Bowls with Sustainable Carolina and Campus Recreation to promote overall wellness on campus through nutrition, fitness, and sustainability! The event featured free samples, information about the organizations, and opportunities for student involvement.
I also tagged along for product deliveries with Brian, attended cooking parties with the team to restock CJ’s pantry, and helped Alice and Lydia cook and package medically-tailored meals for the Healthy Opportunities Pilot!
Interning with Good Bowls this semester gave me a great picture into the local food system, balanced nutrition, and overall sustainability, as well as how attainable it can be for everyone! I have learned so much over the course of my time spent with Good Bowls, and I can’t wait to see their future success as they continue to grow and expand! If you are a student at UNC, Good Bowls can be purchased on campus at the Rams Market and the Beach Cafe with a Plus Swipe or nearby at Weaver Street Market co-op in Carrboro.