USDA - Local Food Promotion Program
Donald Hines — Hines Farm
Good Bowls was founded with the dual mission to support the local food economy and to promote food equity in the region. When we received the USDA Local Food Promotion Program (LFPP) grant in the fall of 2021 it fell in line with what we were already doing and is allowing us to greatly expand on our mission.
We are already working with local NC farmers and local producers to source the ingredients for our Good Bowls. We are also searching for seasonal extras and cosmetic second produce that we can use….who’s going to know that the sweet potato looked funny when it’s in a Chicken Burrito Bowl.
With the LFPP grant we have even more resources to seek out additional producers and create the infrastructure to get their goods to Hillsborough, NC where the Weaver Street Market Food House prepares all of our bowls.
As we are expanding both our distribution and media presence throughout the state we’re regularly adding new partners who are all dedicated to supporting the local food system. We’ve recently entered talks with Tidewater Grain Company out of Oriental, North Carolina. They are currently the only commercial rice growers in the state, and since Good Bowls are packed with whole grains we’re looking to make them a partner for some of our new bowls….like a NC pulled chicken BBQ bowl with Carolina Gold rice.
The LFPP grant runs for three years, so over the next few growing seasons we’re going to continue to not only add new production partners but also expand our distribution to stores and institutions throughout the state. With the help of this grant we’ll be sourcing an ever higher percentage of our ingredients from North Carolina, we can get on more shelves throughout the state, and then into more families’ freezers.
Since Good Bowls will be the only locally-made frozen meal distributed state wide we’ll be building the local food economy from bottom to top with each bowl sold….just like the Local Food Promotion Program grant intended.
Check back often as we add new partners, new flavors, and reach even more stores throughout the state.