Healthy Opportunities Pilot (HOP)

In 2021, Good Bowls was selected to be part of the Healthy Opportunities Pilot, also known as HOP. This pilot program, based in North Carolina and the first of its kind in the nation, uses federal funding to provide non-medical interventions like healthy food, transportation, and housing assistance to high-needs Medicaid enrollees in our state. 

Good Bowls was selected as an HSO (Human Services Organization) in the Cape Fear HOP region. Over the next year and a half, we will be delivering healthy meals and medically tailored meals to pilot enrollees throughout six counties in Southeastern NC under the guidance of our Network Lead, Community Care of the Lower Cape Fear. This is a great opportunity for Good Bowls and for North Carolina. Not only will this help us advance our mission of getting healthy delicious food into the hands of those who need it most, but it will also help Good Bowls expand to the eastern part of the state and allow us to help continue building the local food system.

Cape Fear HOP food services went live in Spring 2022, with transportation, housing, and interpersonal violence services beginning this summer. We are currently delivering weekly meal boxes of 14 healthy Good Bowls to enrollees in the region on a limited basis, and will expand both our geographic footprint and menu offerings over the next year. We’ll be strengthening our partnerships with regional organizations to help us reach more enrollees, and we’ll be working with enrollees to gather feedback and craft meals that meet a variety of dietary needs and cultural preferences. 

You can read more about this innovative program here. 

Interested to see if you may qualify for this program? If you are in Medicaid and live in one of the HOP regions and are enrolled in Managed Medicaid Care, call to see if you qualify.

Live in the Cape Fear HOP region and want more information about whether you or someone you know may qualify for this program? Use the links below to learn more.

Are you in Medicaid?

Do you have a child in Medicaid?

Do you know someone in Medicaid?

Do you have patients in Medicaid Managed Care?