Eat Well at Work is Live!
Good Bowls is currently conducting a worksite wellness study funded by the NIH called Eat Well at Work. For the past year and a half we have been recruiting worksites, finding participants, designing the study, and getting all of the details in place. We’re finally ready to announce that we’ve launched a number of vending machines throughout North Carolina!
For the past year, we’ve been piloting a vending machine at Redeye Worldwide in Hillsborough. We learned a lot from the staff there and even based our coming recipes on their feedback. With everything we learned, we’ve now gone live with three more vending machines: Purdue Chicken in Rockingham, NC, Ideal Fastener in Oxford, NC, and Dill Air Control in Oxford, NC.
One of the missions at Good Bowls is to make sure that everyone has access to healthy and delicious food regardless of where they live or work. Staff at all of the worksites are very enthusiastic about having access to delicious Good Bowls at all hours of the day. Some of these locations are out in the country with limited food options nearby plus many of the staff also work 2nd shift, 3rd shift, and weekends when any cafeteria that may be on site is closed.
Launching the Perdue vending machine
For the coming weeks and months we will be monitoring the effect that these vending machines have not only on staff health and eating habits, but also on productivity and efficiency. Plus, a particularly exciting part of this project is that we will be using ‘bluetooth nudges’ to help inform workers about the Good Bowls option and to encourage them to make healthy meal choices.
The Good Bowls team is particularly excited about the longer term prospects of this frozen food vending machine initiative in a variety of locations around the state. Lack of easy access to healthy meals is not limited to rural locations. We are also talking to hospitals, universities, and corporate offices that are eager to have ready access to delicious and nutritious food that has a long shelf life and is available to staff, workers, patients, students, care givers, and families 24/7. If you think your workplace might be interested in participating in our study, send us an email.
If you’re interested in having your worksite or office participate in the program, email us at